Flexible pricing plans for every need

Choose a plan that fits your requirements and budget

Filmfetch offers various subscription models with monthly billing to cater to various needs. The first 30 days are free, with no obligation. Filmfetch operates with a transparent monthly cost model and can be canceled on a monthly basis, so you know exactly what to expect.

Entry-Level Plan



We aim to make Filmfetch accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer an entry-level plan for those managing a few films.


  • Full access to Filmfetch and all its features

  • 100GB of storage included

  • Transfers between Filmfetch users are free

Additional use:

  • Additional storage for €2 per 100GB*

  • Upload, check, modify, and distribute actions for €2 each*

  • Online viewing links/screeners for €0.20 each*

Start your free trial

Prices excl. VAT

For Larger Users

If you’re a festival or manage a large film library, we’d love to discuss a custom pricing model tailored to your needs.

Some clients manage a handful of feature films requiring hundreds of checks and distributions, while others manage hundreds of short films needing centralized organization. Let us know your requirements, and we’ll create a solution that works for you, whether it’s fixed pricing, tiered rates, or another structure.

Benefits include:

  • Full access to Filmfetch

  • Full use of the MediaContainer** to create your own VOD platform

  • Special pricing for storage, upload, check, modify, and distribute actions

  • Pay-per-view pricing for online viewing links/screeners

  • Standard discounts on services like Filmfetch Transfer Support, DCP viewing, and Repair & Conversion

Contact us for a quotation

* Filmfetch has three cost components:

  • Storage: The amount of space required for storing your media, calculated per 100 GB.

  • Actions: The actions and operations you can perform, such as Quality Check, VOD (DRM) encoding, DCP encryption, Vimeo check/encoding, and Deliveries (Downloads). All these actions have a fixed price.

  • Viewing: Viewing a film via a screener or through the MediaContainer**, calculated per view. Views have a fixed price, depending on the subscription.

** MediaContainer:

  • Filmfetch and the MediaContainer are products of Medialoc. Depending on the subscription, the MediaContainer, with full functionality, is included in the price. With the MediaContainer, you can create shows and display them with an (embedded) player on your own platform or website. The MediaContainer allows you to set up your own (live) streams, VOD library, etc. Contact us for all possibilities.

Not sure which package is best for your organisation? Contact us. We are happy to think along with you or, in case of a big demand, set up a custom price package for you. Free of obligation. Ask for the possibilities.

Villa Concordia
Concordiastraat 67A
3551 EM Utrecht

+31 (0)30 204 0284info@filmfetch.net


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